Whatsoever we lose for Christ doesn't worth it but christ worthy whatever we lose for him. You know what...? You deserve a huge and a peck on your forehead but am not the right person to do that but I know someone who can do that. Go to the HOLY SPIRIT he will give you his warm embrace that will comfort you from all your worries, he will peck you on your forehead and tell you I am here with you and for you even to the end of the world, and that will make you forget all your worries. You will cry and mourn but he will say to you my peace I give to you, that peace that surpasses all understanding. Then you will feel like all your problems and worries never existed. He tells you how much he loves you and the glory that awaits you beyond time in eternity, suddenly you feel unusual strength inside of you to rise from where you have fallen and from your weakness and move forward because you have now realized that you can still make it. GOD loves you and he is still interested in you, h...