
Showing posts from June, 2021

December Prophecy

While I was praying this night being 12 June 2021 GOD told me that this coming 2021 December is coming with it's wind of problems and trouble. What I saw was 9th 16th and 22nd, the series of events that will happen in this dates will make 24, 25 & 26 unenjoyable. Let's pray 🙏 for Nigeria and the world for the sake of the church and Innocents that are dying for that they didn't commit. Again I saw in my dream where Nigeria was in crisis calamity was much that houses was built, government owned properties was destroyed alot happened people been killed like nothing, parents looking for their children, children looking for their parents, some children had to claim another parent to be theirs in order to have a livinghood so I woke up it was 15 June, 2021. I don't know when this one will come to pass but I know Nigeria needs help from GOD through prayer Pls🙏 share to bless others


walking into the court room by the bailiff with my hands handcuffed backward, i heard the clamorous chant of the crowd of eye witneness crying out for justice. The officer of the court has already called a witness to testify against me. court order!!! that was exclamating order by the cheif judge to call for attention as he pound his gavel, Mr Ulunta you were accused of crime, murder and second order manslaugter, stealing, and other related crimes, are you guilt or not...?  Guilt i whispered shamefully... How do you plead the court...? My silence showed that there were no words to justisfy my deeds. Since the accused has nothing to say i hereby... Wait!!! A gentle voice full of compassion and love from the midst of the crowd there was absolute silence except for the jerking sound from the seats as the crowd turned to see who said that. Here walked a gentle young man of 33years in a royal apparel looking like a crown prince walking straight to the front as the crowd who were standing be