There were two Captain of different ships in one territory of Atlantic Ocean whose names was Emotion and Passion, they are great enemies both fights like cat and dog with so much Agitation for each other without cause because Hatred were their best friend; fighting has become their daily ritual. One day as they were fighting each other as usual, suddenly there came a might Ship carrying (vanity, trail, fear and sorrow) loaded with weapons against them in battle, there was great Stormy wave and they have already used up their weapons on each other. The Might Ship destroyed the ship of Captain Emotions then he ran to Captain Passion for help, who took him to her ship without remembering he was her greatest enemy then Understanding, Affection and Feelings became their friends which called Attention now Hatred became Grieve filled with Jealousy and Envy left them, both Thrive Rapidly In Love fought against the Might ship and Won. RELATIONSHIP It is called Relation-ship because its an...