The first time I fall in love it was like a Bollywood migical moment full of fantasy, my head was swelling up, swinging like balloons in the blue sky, my heart was sunk in the ocean of love that I couldn't swim through. The scorching sun caused sweat to flow down from my face like a water fall in dam, my jaw dropped when I saw her stepped down from a luxury car looking stunning in a pink and slight golden umberella looking upshoulder gown, walking towards my direction. I began to fantasize how I will approach her and express my feelings for her but suddenly she was caught up in the midst of crowd of friends which have been a hindrance for me to reach her for long. She was Soo famous that she was too busy to notice me, everyone loves her and wants to be her friends, they bought her expensive gifts, huge and Peck her on the cheek and forehead yet that didn't make me jealous or give up, till one day I saw her crying at colpas love garden (the most romantic love garden in MOUAU) I ...