No! You don't...

I am a crimal
I am prodigal
I am a child of wrath
I am son of disobedience
I am a slave. Slaved to sin and it's desires
I am a child of this world walking in it's lust
I am that one caught in the net of secret sins 
I am a child, whose father is devil, the father of lies
I am a harlot caught in the very act brought before the judge by the same people who are so deep in the same things I was found guilty off; but my judgement was talking from me cause I was by no means worthy justifying😭. The petition written against me was strong with evidence and proves undeniablely which made it easier for me to be condemned, sentenced to death by hanging.😭

Oh... there! The judge: looking up with just my eyeballs rowed up in blush cause I couldn't raise my shameful face because of my deeds was horrible and stigmatising, I couldn't see his face rather a blur image due to the streams of tears rowing down to my cheek like a water fall😭. Ohh... The voice of glamour and tumult chorusing like a mass choir reciting my offenses and it's punishments which frightened me more that i was dead in myself waiting for burial. Hmm...

Sudden silence, made me trace the direction of the wind with my ears, cause I could hear the sound of a sun dried leafs toats toward the north. “If there be any that is not guilty of the same, first cast a stone on him” The judge said: His vioce was like the sound of many waters that brought peace and comfort to my heart. Hmm...  

This statement brought a lot of thoughts to my mind, I couldn't figure out anything else than he wants to make me more vulnerable, until I heard the sound of the first stone like a drop of wood on the ground. My soul flew into the tin sky, till I the last drop made it's sound, non touched me. 

Hmm... I exhaled... He must have been touched by my tears
Hey! my Friend where are thine accusers...? I became fussy, looking up robbing my palms on my closed eyes... Uhh... 😲 I turned 90° right and 180° to the left, and 180° at my back yet I couldn't find anybody, not even the least of them nor a half human. Amazing... With an ungrateful thought in my mind “what kind of judge is this, who justifies the unjust and condemn the accusers? 

My friend! here take
What's that...?
The petition written against you.
I took a deep breath and said Okay, I opened the seal my eyes became clouded with tears ready to rain down because of what I saw. He has wiped away all the handwriting of ordinance written against me, which was contrary to me, and wrote “I took it all for you” with a sign i don't understand at the end.

Wait... What's your name he stopped at the door post turned gently, my beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him  and said I am now your friend and walked away. I bowed my face to the earth continue weeping... As I heard the voice of angry mutitude shouting “hang him”

Later I decided to stand up to see what's happening out there, lo and behold it was the same judge suffering pains in the hands of my accusers, I was afraid to come close. He couldn't talk in his pains, He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. All he said to me was “you are nolonger slave to sin, you are saved for it is finished” that was when I understood what he meant by “I took it all for you”

I left asking around for my savior, who knows him and his name? but non knows, not even my accusers or his fellow judge, is like he has no family nor friends I muttered in tears but at least he should have told me his name. I couldn't hold it again the kind of LOVE he showed me was to much for someone like me, it intoxicate more than strong wine. I couldn't bear it again as I wailed 😭 can someone tell me who my SAVIOR is? 

The gentleness in his looks was phenomenal, his voice that was like the sound of many waters was so comforting, his hair was as white as snow, his feets as bright like a fine brass burning in furnace, the love in his eyes like flames of fires weaks my bones because of it's steadfastness and tenderness. 

I was walking in the streets helplessly and domitable like a toddler, void of knowledge, without destination, and comfort, then a hand touched my shoulder, I heard a voice behind, my friend where are you going, seems you lost your way, can I help you? The voice sounded familiar but couldn't detect whose voice it was, being uncertain I turned to see who has this sweet voice.

ahh... It's my savior shining like the sun in it's strength that I couldn't behold his face, I... I... I thought... you are hanged to death...? Yes he said but I came back for you, I can't leave you comfortless I will send you another comforter. Are you going? Where are you going to leaving me after all this while I am looking for you. To go and prepare a place for you when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come and receive you unto myself. If I go I will send another comforter one like me, he shall teach and remind you all things; that was the last word he said to me as he leaves.

Wait..! Wait...!! Wait...!!!
What should I do...? Love your neighbor as your self even your enemies

Where should I go...? Stay here and wait for the comforter 

Who am I...? You are...
A king.
A priest.
A prince.
A child of GOD.
GOD's heritage.
A peculiar nation.
A holy priesthood
The son of GOD by adoption

Pls🙏 share to bless others


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