Psalms 17:15 As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness. We are the generation of people that seek the LORD and his LIKENESS which is HOLINESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS.
God's power works in different dimensions to achieve what God wants and this ability of God's power to work in different dimensions were explained in this “DYNAMICS OF HIS POWER” message
I have seen some things that made me perplexed... I sought to understand them and explain... I sought words to justify them... To discover they are beyond words that even made me more dumbstruck I sought for wisdom and Wisdom said it heights are as high like the heavens from the earth... I tried to uncover and solve the puzzle of life... To see that what GOD has hide no one can understand or uncover I! In my little spiritual intelligent sought the knowledge of all things to acknowledge that I know; I wailed “MYSTERY” Yet GOD understands this... It's far from men... How that MEN work diligently for him yet he doesn't delight in their works... How that men sought to know him and he reveals himself to those that sought him not... How that MEN work for him yet don't Walk with HIM... How that MEN Walk with Him yet head to Hell... How that HE roit miracles through MEN and yet call it the works of iniquity How that MEN call upon HIM and HE answers them in times of trouble yet deni...
Getting busy with so much activities are great and pretty cool it keeps you away from somethings like: gossip, busybody, troublesome and malicy, jealousy and envy etc rather you will have enough time for your career, academics, ministry, profession etc and you will not be a good example of this quote: “an idle man is a devils workshop for all evil works”. But indirectly you are creating a room and a vaccum of lonliness that you may not notice or feel now yet it will show up in the future when you are free from most of your activities, you will now know you have always been lonely. You will start getting angry with some of your friends for not reaching out to you at your lonely state but to them they see you as a selfish person pursuing selfish dreams and interest. One day you will realize you never impacted their lives enough and deeply to make them indebted to you when they needed you most. when they wept you never offered them your shoulder to cry on. When they were heart broken...
There were two Captain of different ships in one territory of Atlantic Ocean whose names was Emotion and Passion, they are great enemies both fights like cat and dog with so much Agitation for each other without cause because Hatred were their best friend; fighting has become their daily ritual. One day as they were fighting each other as usual, suddenly there came a might Ship carrying (vanity, trail, fear and sorrow) loaded with weapons against them in battle, there was great Stormy wave and they have already used up their weapons on each other. The Might Ship destroyed the ship of Captain Emotions then he ran to Captain Passion for help, who took him to her ship without remembering he was her greatest enemy then Understanding, Affection and Feelings became their friends which called Attention now Hatred became Grieve filled with Jealousy and Envy left them, both Thrive Rapidly In Love fought against the Might ship and Won. RELATIONSHIP It is called Relation-ship because its an...
Download Here Lyrics Giver of life Chimara obi ohh Ikariri ihe anyi si n'ibu Oh oh oh (chorus) You are the same GOD, the giver peace You never change Odigi onye dika gi oh oh oh (chorus) So I lift my hand and say ikariri ihe anyi si n'ibu ×2 (chorus) Oh oh oh (chorus) Here I am Walked the mountains down the valley In search of one like you yet odigi onye dika gi ×2 (chorus) Oh oh oh (chorus) So I lift my voice and say Ikariri ihe anyi si n'ibu ×2 (chorus) Oh oh oh (chorus) Ihe na emere atogbula m oh Odigi onye ga emere me ya ×2 Oh oh oh (chorus) Instrumentals My joy giver Chimarobi oh Ikariri ihe anyi si n'ibu Oh oh oh (chorus) The Lord my strength and my shield He never fails, odigi onye dika gi Oh oh oh (chorus) So I will praise Him with my song Ikariri ihe anyi si n'ibu ×2 (chorus) Oh oh oh (chorus) Ikariri ihe anyi si n'ibu ×2 (chorus) Odigi onye dika gi ×2 (chorus) So we lift my voice and say Ikariri ihe anyi si n'ibu ×2 (chorus) Oh oh oh (...
walking into the court room by the bailiff with my hands handcuffed backward, i heard the clamorous chant of the crowd of eye witneness crying out for justice. The officer of the court has already called a witness to testify against me. court order!!! that was exclamating order by the cheif judge to call for attention as he pound his gavel, Mr Ulunta you were accused of crime, murder and second order manslaugter, stealing, and other related crimes, are you guilt or not...? Guilt i whispered shamefully... How do you plead the court...? My silence showed that there were no words to justisfy my deeds. Since the accused has nothing to say i hereby... Wait!!! A gentle voice full of compassion and love from the midst of the crowd there was absolute silence except for the jerking sound from the seats as the crowd turned to see who said that. Here walked a gentle young man of 33years in a royal apparel looking like a crown prince walking straight to the front as the crowd who were standin...
I am Single but not searching. I am Single but not finding. I am Single but not seeking. I am Single but not mourning. I am Single but not sad. I am single but not depressed. Why ? Because I am waiting for God to bring my Eve to my Garden of Eden. Stay in your Garden If you are Searching for Eve, you will leave your Garden of Eden and you will find Delilah or Jezebel God brings every man's Eve to his Garden of Eden after preparing her to be his helper; when God has brought her to your Garden of Eden and you are not there to receive her then you will miss her. Wise Wait It is one thing to wait its another thing keep good character while waiting (Wait Wisely). God can't in trust His own image (Adam/Eve) to unfaithful/impatient Adam/Eve. Never feel like old fashion because your Age mates are getting married and engaged there is agemate, classmate, coursemate etc but no Grace mate (Ecclesiastes 3:11 He hath made every thing beautiful in h...
As days calls unto them and the nights whispered to their open ears. Their hearts became weaker and began to grow gross. They thought putting an end by themselves will bring Justice. They wanted Justice but have brought jugdement on themselves. They wanted to save their name and their family's name rather they brought condemnation and stigmatisation. They thought it wise and selfless to take laws into their hands yet they acted more selfish. They thought going into the realm beyond would bring smile to the face of the lived one. They thought departing into life after life was the best decision. They thought it was their last option so they never saw hope in the future and for the living They felt betrayed by someone they trust with their lifes. They wanted to take away that shame and hide that secrets. But now they are gone they have left tears dripping everyday like the unquenchable rain. They have taken away that little joy in the hearts of their loved one. They have made those w...
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