If you are a Young Minister like me come let's talk reality...

We have to first fight the battles before us if we must rise to the mount of greatness, here are few but most relevant battles facing every young ministers

1: Midnight Altar: in our father's house whether you believe it or not  you must fight and destroy those altars  like Gideon who was a man of valor hiding away from His enemies but GOD spoke to him go and destroy the altar of baal in your father's house by night. After the destruction of the altar the LORD moved him to blow the trumpet for alart for battle against captivity

2: Ancestral Curses: yes we have be called out of many nation's, languages, kindred and tongues (which is the levels where curse reign) but devil doesn't want to accept that and wants to put us into ignorance and make us feel cursed, so you must exercise your authority over this curses and let devil know that you know your stand in Christ as king, priest and priest. Pls don't forget Devil knew JESUS CHRIST was the son of GOD but refused to acknowledge that by asking HIM “if you are the son of GOD...”

3: Lust: what...? yes lust...! I mean lust...!!  if you have this contagious diseases “Lust” pls kill it. If you don't have it don't let those who have it transfer it to you because it can kill more than covid-19, Ebola even HIV/AIDS etc... Our problem is not women, but lust and not men, but lust; kill it it's our member in flesh.

4: Addictions: what ever it is pls kill it. Addictions are parasites that drains you and your anointing little by little like the horse leech. It is called slow killer.

5: Mammon: it's the spirit of money and desire for money found more in unbelievers, but it can enter any christain and minister no matter how anointed they are. Its thoughts comes like “I need money for kingdom work and ministry to sponsor programs single handedly” pls murder that thoughts don't let it have a grip in your heart. The desire for money can make a minister negotiate with the devil shake hands with Satan and work for Antichrist without knowing it, so they will be rebuke by GOD at the last days for following the way of cain running after the greedy of balaam and ministering the doctrines of balaam.
 “Don't forget whatever GOD has commanded he makes provision for”

6: Baalis and Lucifer: baalis is a spirit called a proud Lord while Lucifer is the Lord of pride so if you want to go  high without falling fight both spirits. Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 29:23 A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.

7: Belial: in the bible was translated as satan, in the old testament it was used in the personification of worthless, evil and evil doings, wickedness, and churlishness while in the new testament as wicked spirit in christains so every evil deeds, wickedness, churlishness and worthless things done by christain especially ministers is produced by Belial in them.

No 3&4 need to be fought seriously when it enters it's effect and the deficiency it caused will not be seen immideately but as you grow it grows with you like David who never fought his lust for women in the bush until he came to the palace and it later led him to kill a man and took his wife for himself. “Unchecked life”.  if you grow with it, time will come when it will manifest to destroy your reputation and name then shame will not allow you go to another minister of your level or higher level for prayers, in this Nigeria that ministers scander the name of another minister to look good

Pls don't let a drop enter in to the unleaven less it will leaven the whole lump.


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