You have been the first day of the working days.

I grown up to know you, I was taught to live with you because of your importance to the wealth life of men.

You and your siblings were seven children born unto your parents who forsake you and your siblings, no one can attest whom your mother or father is because you have no descendants or relatives but you live joyfully and peaceble with your siblings.

My teachers made you the first son though you were the second son, they taught me to call your name first before the name of the first son.

Do you know that every sunday as I wake up to worship our glorious maker I wake with the consciousness of you and your impact.

The activities done in you has made you famous than the most richest and famous men/women ever, you are known for your deads.

You have made and mared men which made men either hate or love you.

In you were great and small, rich and poor, wise and foolish born and died, this has put you into the heart of men.

Oh how that thy has left your signature in the sands of time, in the memories of men without their permission yet they can't wipe it away.

You know not man either great and small, rich and poor, wise and foolish yet all men knew thee how popular you have become.

You're Singleton, but to all men you are not because of your several dimensions, the perspective which men stands determines what they sees of you.

You're like a traveler whom when coming back came back with alot of goodie bags filled with good and evil.

You became the outcome of all good and evil which has happened to men in the history of men, you have brought them the winds of trouble and tears like fountain that refused to dry up, the west wind brought joy unforgettable.

The love and hatred men have for thee doesn't affect you or who you are, you're just yourself and don't respect persons. 

You are the beginning of trouble and the end of it as well as the beginning of joy and the end of it.

I write to you and of you this night because I was raised to live with the curiousity of what the rising of your sun will bring whether Joy or sadness fortune or otherwise.

But I have learnt to take control over you by exercising my authority over you through the power which was given to me by our creator.

I sow into you through the nights of Sunday and reap in aboundance from you.

I hold me words, swallow my speech and watch you bring me favor, breakthrough, fortune, success, fame, wealth, richest and all good things life can ever bring.

Happy Sunday from here.

Pls🙏 share to bless others


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